The Ward Away Day, began promptly at nine. Shortly after the welcome and opening exercises, the group was divided into three sub groups for an ice breaking activity. This ice breaker, would also kickstart Father’s Day celebration. Which would be happening the following weekend.
Each member of the group, must write a sentence describing their father. The group members would then select one for the group presentation.
There was a buzz in the room as individuals began working on the activity.
The idea to celebrate Father’s Day, was first initiated by Sonora Smart Dodd, in 1909 Spokane Washington USA. This was in recognition of her father a Civil War veteran. William Jackson Smart, single handedly raised she and her five other siblings after her mother died in childbirth.
The enthusiasm and animation in the room continued , it was palpable. And soon, it was time for the presentations. The following, were the results;
Group one ” Only My Father can be my Father”.
And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters, saith The Lord Almighty.
2 Corinthians 6:18
Group two, ” My Father is my wise Best Friend”.
My son, despise not the chastening of The Lord; neither be weary of His correction:
For whom The Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a Father the son in whom he delighteth.
Proverbs 3:11-12
Group three, ” My Father loves me”
As The Father hath loved me, so hath I loved you: continue ye in My Love.
John 15:9
The Ward Away Day, was time well spent. It was good, getting together as a unit. However, most people agreed, that the ice breaker, was by far the best activity of the day.
God’s Grace Through The Father in Jesus is, Our Salvation.
The Father Created Us
The Father Loves Us
The Father Forgives Us
The Father Protects Us.
The Father Befriends Us
The Father Teaches Us
The Father Will Save Us