On the fourth of August 1968, a band of literature evangelists led by Mr Joseph Jack came to Aylesbury. These men were members of the High Wycombe Seventh-day Adventist Church who worshipped in rented accommodation at Pineapple Café,
West Wycombe Road.
These evangelists met a lady by the name of Daphne Pearl Sterling who was a Seventh-day Adventist Christian. She eagerly expressed her earnest need to keep her children in the Adventist faith, as at present, they attended the Pentecostal
church in Aylesbury. As she petitioned with the evangelists requesting their help, she offered her living room for worship and to start a church.
The evangelists started the first church services at 127 Walton Road in the livingroom of Mrs Daphne Pearl Sterling. She was joined each Sabbath morning by other Sabbath keepers, namely; the Applewhaite family and the Oxley family and other
supporting members from the High Wycombe Church.
Eventually, the living room became inadequate as the numbers attending worship outgrew its already limited space. Many disappointing attempts were made to secure a place for worship. The group had no alternative but to approach the leader of the
Spiritualist Church at 17 Castle Street. Without hesitation a room was offered. A member was given the keys and the group were able to worship in this building. This building no longer exists. They were not charged a rent but were asked to leave an offering in a plate on the table.
This one room accommodation could not practically meet all the needs as there was no space to divide for lesson studies. After a short while new premises were located at the Town Hall, then known as the Assembly Hall. This accommodation became less favourable for many reasons. Throughout the many years worship took place in many different buildings for varying lengths of time. Some of these buildings are still standing while others no longer exist.
Too many times as one would care to remember, the small, but dedicated members would turn up to have their worship at a particular venue, only to find it was in use for other functions, or just left in a chaos of total mess. Without reservations,
Mrs Sterling would invite the small company of worshippers back to her home, chanting these words of assurance: “All things work together for good to them that love the Lord.”
All thanks and praise to a merciful, compassionate and gracious Saviour and Lord who never let the group down. There was always somewhere to have worship services and to honour the Lord every Sabbath. From this account one can truly say:
“Great is Thy faithfulness.”
The company of members were organised into a church under the auspices of Pastor Jeoffrey G B Munson on the 11th July 1970. The Conference President at that time was Pastor Edwin H Foster.
Signatures of the members newly formed Aylesbury Seventh-day AdventistChurch, in the order that they are documented.
Erma Applewhaite
Ralph Applewhaite
Kerliene Hoyte
Yvonne Sterling
Daphne Pearl Sterling
Gwendolyne Oxley
Chelcie Sterling
Cyril Oxley
Errol Sterling
Sylvanie Samuel
Pauline A Sterling
Curwin Oxley
Arthur Bertram Samuel
Z H Roderiques
Theophulus Roderiques
Burton Samuel
Ellen Samuel
Carmen Samuel
All names comprising of a total of five families.
Early attendees of the Aylesbury Church.
Joseph Nash Newell
Gifford Dalton Sterling
Randolph Bancroft McNally
The newly formed members continued to worship in buildings such as:
* The “Hut” that belonged to the Church of the Good Shepherd, Church Square, Southcourt. (All that is now left of the” hut” are its foundations).
* Tindal Chapel, Bierton Road
* The Aylesbury Boys Grammar School, Walton Road
* Stewart Hall, Little Kimble
* Elmhurst County First School, Dunsham Lane
* St. Marks United Reformed Church, St. Marks Road, Southcourt.
Now the church has been richly blessed with its own building. Today all can share in the delight and joy of worshipping in the Aylesbury Seventh-day Adventist Church,
Mandeville Road. One can never forget those who have passed on and those who are here today. These names are included as an important part of the written record.
During the time of their unyielding quests for a building of their own, they were blessed with men who were “go getters” for Jesus. They were not swayed by any
inconvenience this may have caused to themselves and their family. They were men one could always rely upon. They were dedicated men who gave their unreserved
devotion and time in help to procure a permanent place to worship in Aylesbury. May God’s name be forever uplifted, in thanks and praise, to these His loyal and trusted servants.
Daphne Pearl Sterling contributed significantly to the early establishment of the Aylesbury Church, offering her home for worship. She also gave of her time inseeking to procure a building which would serve as a regular meeting place.Through her hospitality, generosity and persistence, she set out to find other Seventh-day Adventist believers who would join with her in her home for Sabbath worship. Though now asleep, she has left a legacy of fulfilled hope for those who have and will come after her. Her vision, though not realised in her day, is now avisible and tangible testament of the unflinching faith of a woman of substance, who had a dream come true. Praise God for his mercy endures forever.
Leaders from High Wycombe who were ardent in the rearing of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Aylesbury.
Arthur Bertram Samuel
Joseph Jack
James Joseph
George King
Olrick Williams
Those who gave unreserved help and constant support
Mr Danzyll – Luton
Mr Stennet Ferguson – Luton
Mr Malcolm – Luton
Mr Burke – London
Mrs Doris Hunter – Aylesbury
Places of worship, Ministers and Leaders 1968 – 2007.
*Spiritualist Church, 17 Castle Street: Arthur Bertram Samuel – First church Leader to Aylesbury.
* Town Hall (Assembly Hall):Pastor Jeoffrey G B Munson – First Minister to Aylesbury.
* The “Hut” of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Southcourt: Pastor Horace Pearce; Pastor Arthur Cooper; Pastor Audley Charles; Brother Bill Beamish; Pastor Felix McPhearson; Pastor Vincent Goddard; Pastor Paul Smith.
* Tindal Chapel, Bierton Road:Pastor Vincent Goddard.
* The Aylesbury Boys Grammar School, Walton Road:Pastor Ron Henderson.
* Stewart Hall, Little Kimble: Pastor Errol Blackburn; Pastor James Cuthell; Gifford Rhaime (Intern)
* Elmhurst County First School, Dunsham Lane:Pastor James Cuthell; Gifford Rhaime (Intern); Pastor Douglas Sinclair; Pastor Andrew Hardy; Pastor Watson Southcott; Pastor David Spearing.
* St Marks United Reformed Church, St. Marks Road, Southcourt:Pastor David Spearing.
* Aylesbury Seventh-day Adventist Church, Mandeville Road:Pastor David Spearing.
A dated account of events showing how God continued to provide blessings for the Aylesbury believers 2004 – 2007.
At midday on Saturday 27th March 2004, the Aylesbury church members were worshipping as usual at the rented accommodation of St. Marks Church. John Tomey a member of the Church of Christ entered the building and asked the first person he saw whether the members would be interested in buying their church property on Mandeville Road.
With a reduced congregation and growing difficulties in maintaining such a large building, it was deemed necessary for a sale of this church building to take place. Asit was recognised that the Seventh-day Adventist members had no church of their own, it seemed practical to propose a sale. This would providentially provide Aylesbury Church with a permanent place of worship.
On Wednesday 14th July the building was viewed for the first time by Pastor David Spearing. A follow up visit was made on Thursday 29th July accompanied by Earl Ramharacksingh, treasurer for the South England Conference.This was to consider the financial viability of purchasing the building.On Wednesday 4th August Martin Kemp Property Services came to give a valuation on the property and recommended a Surveyor who then gave a structural report.
With this accomplished, the Pastor met with John Tomey to discuss the sale, on Friday 6th August. A further meeting was held on Thursday 12th August with Pastor David Spearing, Antony Thompson, John Tomey, Ken Tomey and Richard Lambert. On Thursday 19th August 2004, an offer to purchase the church building was made.
Tuesday 28th February 2006 contracts were exchanged.Friday 17th March 2006 the Church of Christ Meeting House was finally sold to the Aylesbury Seventh-day Adventist Church. The keys for the church were collected on the same day by Pastor David Spearing and Elder John Dillon. John Tomey and his brethren became tenants of the annexe. On the following Sabbath day, hearing the good news, the Aylesbury Seventh-day
Adventist Church members and all visitors present, sent up an exuberant thanks of praise to God from whom all blessings flow. Great is His faithfulness to His children.Man’s extremity is most certainly God’s opportunity. Specific renovations were necessary; therefore a committee of seven members was formed. In appreciation and thanks to God, the church now boasts: complete
rewiring of the building, new double glazed windows, wall mounted heaters in every room, the installation of a PA system and a redecoration of the entire building withvarious other works accomplished.
On Sabbath 8th April 2006, a sunny, cold, dry and windy day with a late thunderstorm, the hopes of the members of the Aylesbury Seventh-day Adventist Church became a reality, as they had their first Sabbath worship in the new building. The text for the sermon of the day came from Joshua chapter 3, the crossing of the Jordan. Stepping forward in faith and giving thanks, releases the power of God to accomplish a mighty and strong outcome for His people. Aylesbury Church members stepped out in faith, praising God for the day they would have a church of their own.
This particular Sabbath is a testimony of a mightier and stronger outcome, guided only by the hand of God. The church has had the joy of witnessing the baptism of two new members; nine
successful incoming church transfers; four baby dedications; a funeral and three special services. The growth of children and young people has meant that an active and successful Pathfinder club is now running. The work of the church includes outreach to the community. At present there are weekly stress management group sessions on the premises which are held by the NHS. Today 1st September 2007 stands a church filled with members and visitors, who have come to join in the celebration of this Open Day. This day has been long awaited. It is a testimony of God’s love and care for His children, in granting them a permanent place of worship to call their own.
All things work together for good for those who love the Lord This is a wonderful promise found within Gods Holy word. And look, how in His time, though we would want things done in haste,
He has provided us a church of beauty by His grace.
While wandering almost forty years just like the Israelites Worshipping from place to place without a hope in sight, Pilgrims on a journey, praying, fasting for a home, We now can offer praise to God for the things that he has done.
Today we share our blessings, our Open Day we celebrate, A testimony of answered prayer to those who faithfully wait
Poem written by Wendy M Sterling-Mannings
Approved by:
Pastor David Spearing
Pauline A Sterling